Page 20 - myRegistration-Guide-2021-22.docx
P. 20


             Grade    Course # Course Title                                      Prerequisite
             09       1954       Business Computer Apps 1                        Required 9th
             09-12    2964       Video Editing                                   None
             09-12    2968       Photoshop                                       None
             09-12    2969       Illustrator and InDesign                        None
             09-12    1955       BE0250 Intro to Computer Science, AP Computer   Intro to CS required for AP
                                 Science A NEW! Sponsored by Amazon Future       Computer Science, Algebra II
                                 Engineer and EdHesive Full Year Course Register  recommended for AP CS.
                                 for A, B, & C
             9-12     1964                                                       Into to CS A, AP CS A
                                 BE0250 Intro to Computer Science B, AP CS B
             9-12     1965                                                       Intro to CS B, AP CS B
                                 BE0250 Intro to Computer Science C, AP CS C

             09-12    2970       Yearbook A                                      Instructor Approval
             09-12    2971       Yearbook B                                      Instructor Approval
             09-12    2972       Yearbook C                                      Instructor Approval AND
                                                                                 participation in A or B

             #1954 BUSINESS COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 1 (required 9 )
             Grades: 9
             Cap 24
             Prerequisite: none
             A course designed to introduce students to the use of industry standard computer applications used
             for solving business problems. Career awareness, employment skills, and contextualized business
             problems represent the theme of the course. Topics include an introduction to operating systems and
             file management; the use of word processing software for purposes of creating basic business

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